Inteco professionals successfully held highly sophisticated drilling techniques training
The training was mainly focused on geophysical well logging during drilling, steering the drill string, telemetry systems and operating principles.
Usage of the telemetry systems for obtaining the formation geophysical properties is an integral part of any well drilling process. The goals of using TMS include not only entry to the producing horizon with the required data and BH profile drilling based on the planned values but elimination of structure conflicts with the already commissioned wells.
The company has installed the most advanced software to achieve these goals. It defines physical properties of drill sterns material, stern dimensions, formation stress-strain properties, the Earth magnetic behavior and it provides well modeling prior to drilling.
INTECO has all the software and professionals for performing properties estimation and well modeling.
The training specialists made a detailed presentation on telemetry systems potential during the theoretical part of the training and then visually demonstrated testing equipment in laboratory settings at the practical workshop.
Such trainings certainly develop partnership relationships of the company with its customers and enhance professional knowledge of the staff.
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